Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm working with writing deadlines lately. I'm quite amazed at what a deadline will do. So far, here's what my upcoming deadline has done:

1. Ripped out any sort of inspiration, especially to come up with my own idea or "finish" one of several stories I have started.

2. Forced me to edit. More importantly, forced me to commit my edits.
a. Started the heinous "I hate my writing," cycle.
b. This then led to "Oh, that's not so bad after all" after making edits.
c. Committing the edits has led back to a. It's a vicious cycle. It won't ever end.

3. Forced me to figure out how to end. Ending is hard. Beginning is easy.

Will this all make sense? I certainly hope so. I'm definately working against the clock here. And I can find about a thousand more interesting things to do. Also, I really want to knit. Knitting is productive. And it doesn't involve the computer.

However, I'm going back to my edits now.