Friday, December 4, 2009

First Post

I'm fascinated by those who comment with "first!" and nothing else. Why do they do that? Can I copy them? Is that okay? Well, I'm doing it anyway.

I wrote my 500 today. And, I'd like to know, what happens when a character turns right when she normally would turn left? I honestly don't know. That's how I started tonight - I had Mindy turn right. Mindy didn't actually do anything interesting. She had a few phone conversations while driving an old beat-up car, and she continuously turned right.

Maybe she'll do something more interesting tomorrow.

A couple of random thoughts:
  • When sitting in a room facing the opposite direction of normal, shadows fall on the walls differently. This can indeed lead to freak-outs.
  • Sam's cat is entirely too needy. Typing with her and the computer in my lap isn't so productive.
  • Productivity is over-rated.

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