Sunday, January 3, 2010

What have I written

I can't keep myself focused on just one thing. So, I'll do two. I'll write a blog AND I'll work on a story.

Word count so far on the story: 86. It's depressing. I've been writing for twenty minutes now and I only have 86 words.

No, that's a lie. I've been writing for about three minutes; maybe as long as five. I've been clicking shiny buttons on my computer and flipping back to chat and typing there for a minute or two for the last twenty minutes.

And I just did it again.

It's amazing how much those distractions get in the way of writing. Technically, right now, I am writing. I could count this for my 500 words. I could even count the blog I wrote last night for the BNO as 500 words today, but I won't. And I won't for several reasons. Though really, it boils down to one: The 500 exists as a challenge to me as a writer. Yes, any sort of practice of my craft is still practice of my craft, and I am writing right now. Therefore, I get my cookie for the day and I could go to bed.

But, that's not what I write. I write fiction. I imagine myself slipping a story into a manilla envelope and mailing it off to the void, and waiting three months or more for a rejection slip. And I'll try it again and again until I get it right.

This blog is not fiction. This blog does not get me closer to mailing a story to an editor. This blog is distracting, and a form of procrastination - just like that button that tells me how many words of fiction I've written.

Final count for the night: 645. Hopefully I can come back tomorrow and capture it all again.

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