Friday, January 8, 2010


I'm feeling lazy. This doesn't bode well, as we're not even through the first week of tax season, and I'm already beat. I have to ask myself, what was I thinking when I signed up to take a couple of classes this semester as well?

Bah, I'll get through it. The first week is always the hardest, right? It's only four months out of the year.

I'm worried though about my 500. I have to admit, I skipped Tuesday. I was tired. Tuesday was a long day at work, and then I had a bunch of stuff to to at home.

What sort of stuff you say? BNO stuff. Fun stuff. Stuff that we'll hopefully announce on Monday. Speaking of which, I need to go send off another email. And done.

Does that bring me to 500 for the day? I'm not entirely certain. Though, I think if not number, I've managed to at least keep with the spirit of the challenge - that is, I sat down, and I spent some time writing, with the objective of putting words on to paper.

Tomorrow I will come home, play chicken, and write. It will work better tomorrow.

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